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Document Workflow

Many businesses make the mistake of thinking document workflow will take care of itself but nowadays, organisations require much more than just capturing and converting paper into PDF. In order for a business to run effectively, they need to find ways to lower costs, automate workflows, reduce their carbon footprint and improve their security and regulatory compliance.
Doc workflow

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Eagley infant school

Eagley Infant School

Based on a site survey and discussion with the Customer, DMS recommended and provided the following AV Solution...

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How DMS provided Parrs Wood with a sustainable manage print service

The school sees the provision of high-quality printing solutions as an integral element in its stated objective of making the...

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At DMS, we offer tailored packages that meet all your school, college or university’s needs, helping you to spread the...

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Urmston grammar

Urmston Grammar

The Governors and Urmston Grammar’s Leadership Team run a highly successful 11-18 co-educational grammar school with an outstanding national and...

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Persimmon plc logo vector

Case Study - Persimmon Homes

We have delivered a managed print service for Persimmon Homes for past 5 years and have established an excellent relationship...

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Dean trust

How DMS provided The Dean Trust with a sustainable print solution

The Dean Trust has a high demand for printing solutions in the traditional, office-based environments, in classrooms, particularly within IT...

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Eagley infant school

Eagley Infant School

Based on a site survey and discussion with the Customer, DMS recommended and provided the following AV Solution...

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How DMS provided Parrs Wood with a sustainable manage print service

The school sees the provision of high-quality printing solutions as an integral element in its stated objective of making the...

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At DMS, we offer tailored packages that meet all your school, college or university’s needs, helping you to spread the...

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Urmston grammar

Urmston Grammar

The Governors and Urmston Grammar’s Leadership Team run a highly successful 11-18 co-educational grammar school with an outstanding national and...

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What Is Document Workflow?

Document workflow is a management system used to capture, generate, track, edit, approve, store, retrieve, retain and destroy any documents that are associated with the business processes. With so many businesses going paperless and trying to reduce their carbon footprint, digital document workflow can be a great asset. It also helps to reduce large amounts of paperwork which use staff resources and slow down the day-to-day operations.

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What are the Benefits of Document Workflow?

  • You can access information at any time, anywhere- almost like a virtual office.

  • You can improve collaboration by being able to share documents with multiple users across different sites.

  • You can prevent multiple unnecessary versions of the same document.

  • You can sign off invoices digitally whilst on the move using hyperlinks.

  • Customer retention can be improved through providing a better service.

  • You will eliminate the risk of damaged or lost files through events such as floods or fires.

  • The cost of document storage and long-term archiving is significantly reduced.

  • You can ensure absolute data security and GDPR compliance.

  • Employees are kept happier without the need to carry out manual and repetitive tasks.

  • You can boost productivity by making your processes more efficient.

  • You will be more flexible with a scalable system that grows with your business.

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Supporting the future of your business

The DMS Way.

At DMS, we’re constantly looking to the future, which is why DMS’ Managed Print Services are provided through a proven five-step process, starting with a thorough assessment of your immediate needs and working with you to define and implement a strategy to support your future ahead of you.

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Sectors we serve

We have over 40 years’ experience working alongside the following sectors.

Making life simpler with bespoke monthly bundles

DMS One allows you to combine your hardware, software, and services into a single easy to manage solution. Access to the latest technology, optimise your IT budgets, and simplify your bill. Our programme helps you to move away from large capital investments. Instead, you can enjoy technology, training, services and maintenance through a low-cost, monthly subscription plan.


  • Managed print services
  • Audio visual solutions
  • IT services
  • Document workflow
  • Workspace solutions
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  • System software
  • Application software
  • Management software
  • Utility software
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  • On-site support
  • Remote support
  • Installation & maintenance
  • Training
  • Account management
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Training and Support

At DMS, we offer an affordable document workflow management solution which is suited to forward-thinking organisations in any industry of any size. We’re here to make the complex simpler, helping you to adopt a gradual staged approach throughout your organisation, typically starting with the Accounts department who tend to be paper addicts.

We provide training and support to reduce your workload instead of adding to it and by learning to work digitally, your business can focus on meeting its goals and objectives.

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Why Choose DMS for Your Document Workflow Management?

DMS offers comprehensive yet flexible document workflow management, tailored to your business’ specific needs. At the core of our offering is our undivided support, meaning we do everything we can to ensure your business has an effective workflow system that benefits you every day. Choosing DMS for your document workflow helps you reduce the complexity of going digital, boosting your productivity and reducing your business’ carbon footprint, allowing you to do your part for the planet.

Why not get in touch with a member of our helpful team today to discuss how we can optimise your document workflow?

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