The Challenge
- Installation was required to be completed out of normal working hours due to the school being open when required.
- The school had a mixed demographic of staff all with different tech competency levels with using this technology, in the initial pre installation meeting group training sessions where agreed upon, we felt that this would not work due to the different skill levels. We overcame this by conducting individual 1-2-1 training sessions. This has proved a great success with now all staff being able to use the technology provided.
- Selection of device proved difficult for the school with different staff liking different products, eventually the school decided upon the Promethean brand due the teaching active inspire software
The Solution
Based on a site survey and discussion with the Customer, DMS recommended and provided the following AV Solution:
- Installation of 6 x Wall Mounted 65-inch Promethean Screens
- Decommission of old equipment
- Cabling and trunking
- Set up on network and WIFI with wireless modules
- Configuration
- Training