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Releasing the Teacher from the front of the Classroom

Mar 01, 2023

Teaching Goals

The aim of the teacher, at any stage of learning, from primary school to higher education, is to translate the relevant knowledge surrounding a topic or subject to as many of their students as possible.

Traditional Classroom Layout - Outdated?

With the advancements in modern technology, especially prevalent within the education sector, it’s surprising that one aspect of teaching is still relatively unchanged, and perhaps a little outdated.

The traditional classroom or lecture proxemics consist of a teacher standing at the front of the room, next to a board of some sort for writing/illustrating, while the students sit, usually in rows, facing this board.

Of course this design has been successful over thousands of years of imparting knowledge, however, it seems perhaps ineffective in its ability to most efficiently convey the aims of the teacher discussed at the top of this article.

Here at DMS we’re constantly testing the limits of progress, especially in terms of implementing effective technology within an increasingly digitised educational sector.

How Can Learning Technology Solve The Problem?

Classroom Problem

Technology solution

Student feeling adrift due to proxemics.

While a teacher may see focused and inquisitive students directly in front of them on the first few rows of their learning environment, some students a further distance away i.e the back or corners or the room, may be lacking focus and in need of assistance or guidance.

Via end user technology learning tools such as laptops and tablets, students can be intellectual participants of any learning experience as their personal educational resource is directly in front of them. Teachers or lecturers can easily communicate with any student via engaging and specifically crafted educational technology or software programmes. Teachers are also less restricted to the front or traditional focal point of the room and can easily transition to any part of the learning space where a student may need their help.

Student not being intellectually captivated.

Not all students learn in the same manner, and therefore may feel intellectually disengaged if all they do is listen to a teacher speak for 90% of their lesson time.

DMS laptops or audio/visual learning solutions can be an extremely effective avenue of transferring knowledge due to their relevance in the wider world. Many students will have their own technological screen devices at home, therefore will be more responsive to learning tools in this format. A greater resonance of subject matter will hold attention longer and boost cognitive interaction. Gamification of learning can also be a powerful advancement in the classroom, learning through play properly monitored can offer visualisation of tasking and rewards, whilst holding attention.

Student disabilities not being catered for.

Some students may require alternative learning tools in assisting their retention and progress through the curriculum.

Assistive technology can offer learning solutions for students with disabilities. Alternative input devices such as physically altered keyboards, speech to text technologies, and software tailoring all remove the need to separate students based on learning differences and individual ability.

Poor learning data progression tracking.

If the active progress of students is not being measured and tested, some students may stagnate or degrade in terms of their grasp of the subject matter.

Further development of LMS (Learning Management System) technology. Programmes such as Google Classroom, provides a powerful analytical framework for teachers as this allows them to track the learning progress of their students. Data metrics can assist teachers in their management and assessment of individuals and their class as a whole.

University Learning being contained to lecture rooms.

With an onus on self learning, time management and discipline, undergraduate/postgraduate students can fall victim to not being responsible or accountable for their learning efforts away from their designated lecture rooms.

With excellent network and infrastructure solutions to upgrade campus connectivity, and premium cloud management services for easy storage and uploading, DMS can assist higher education students in their self learning schedule whether it be on campus or at their residence.

Why Technology Is the Future Of Learning

With the unprecedented restrictive nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the education sector had to rapidly adapt to and utilise learning technologies, implementing this type of learning on a nationwide scale as uncertainty and doubt shaped the past two years.

This inertia of implementing technology within the standardised educational syllabus actually may have been of great benefit to students and teachers alike, accelerating the progress of a clearly advantageous strategy in terms of intellectual engagement and adaptive learning.

The success of technology throughout the stages of education within the UK, and the greater impact technology is having on life in general, means the digitisation of the education sector is extremely likely to continue.

Why Choose DMS’ Digital Technology Solutions?

A Bolton based business, with over 40 years experience offering Technology and IT solutions, at DMS pride ourselves on our ability to deliver creative and effective means of augmenting an operation’s digital space on a massive scale.

A bespoke digital strategy of technology fused with relevant content, could propel your institution to new frontiers. DMS solutions are an investment in your organisation's ethos, demonstrating a willingness to not only react to and accept the current climate of the educational system, but think forward towards more success.

If you want to launch your organisation into the future via digital education, get in touch with us today!

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